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for developers for users renewal | profile | member login menu about ihe participate resources testing ihe domains ihe worldwide news integrating the healthcare enterprise (ihe) ihe is an initiative by healthcare professionals and industry to improve the way computer systems in healthcare share information. ihe promotes the coordinated use of established standards such as dicom and hl7 to address specific clinical needs in support of optimal patient care. systems developed in accordance with ihe communicate with one another better, are easier to implement, and enable care providers to use information more effectively. become an ihe member organization and improve the interoperability of healthcare information systems. volunteer spotlight view all » landen bain liaison to healthcare, cdisc involved with ihe for 7 years co-chair of ihe qrph planning committee. initiator and contributor to eight or so profiles aimed to further the goal of ehr-enabled clinical research. the widespread adoption of ehrs in healthcare has the potential to assist researchers, quality measurers, and public health agencies. ihe's qrph domain exists to further the goal of ehr-enabled reporting practices that help research, quality reporting, and public health to get higher quality information in a more timely manner to improve their processes. juergen brandstaetter, msc codewerk software services and development gmbh involved with ihe for 8 years my first contact with ihe was 8 years ago as a software vendor implementing several ihe profiles and participating in ihe connectathons. in my home country, austria, i was one of the founders of the ihe austria deployment committee, where i’m member of the board up to now. on international level, fascinated of the ihe methodology, i entered into the just founded ihe pharmacy development committee in 2009 where i am currently serving as vendor co-chair. leveraging my knowledge and contacts regarding pharmacy in my home country i became author of the first community pharmacy profiles. having then experienced ihe from the perspective of a vendor, a deployment committe and a profile developer i felt matured to also involve into ihe strategy issues in the ihe international board, where i’m currently active on several topics, in particular in the global deployment coordination committee. my involvement in ihe is founded on the true believe in the ihe methodology. the consequent way of living a fair and collaborative relationship between vendors and users throughout all committees and working groups is a unique characteristics of ihe which is one important factor of its success. solving complex use-cases usually requires the combination of more than one standards. experiences in real-world projects have shown that individual picking and composing of base-standards could well result in a specification which creates interoperability within the project but yet might fail when connecting it to another project which combines other standards or even the same standards in a different way. so, relying on standards obviously is not enough. an ""intermediate layer"" inbetween the project and the base standards is needed, which is use-case driven and composes existing standards in an accorded way to cover them. if several projects rely on this layer and therefore all using the same standards in the same fashion, you get interoperability amoung them for free. ihe provides exactly this intermediate layer. with its use-case driven approach, which is consequently maintained from the development of integration profiles up to actual software testing becomes a guarantor of interoperability and therefore is of greatest interest for health it industry and healthcare in general. george cole principal scientist, community solutions, allscripts involved with ihe for 14 years i have been involved in three domain technical committee over the years. i am co-editor of the iti rfd profile, and have worked on several other pcc and qrph profiles. i am involved in ihe because of the community activities. starting with planning committee proposals and lasting well beyond profile publication as final text, the interactions within the community lead to strong relationships that benefit all as we work with deployments and implementations. bringing interoperable solutions to the healthcare it space is what motivates the volunteer community across all ihe domains. todd cooper principal, breakthrough solutions foundry, inc. involved with ihe for 8 years todd was a co-founder of the patient care devices domain, as well as a pcd technical committee co-chair. internationally, he has also managed a number of the ihe korea connectathons. currently, todd serves on the ihe international board of directors, is the pcd technical framework volume 3 editor and is the lead editor on a number of profile supplement and white paper projects within the pcd domain. ihe has been proven as an effective international organization to identify real-world interoperability problems and bring together the experts and organizations who can create open standards-based technical solutions, along with the conformance testing "connectathons" that ensure products are available to the marketplace that will address the identified issues. no other organization in the world comes close to providing this opportunity, and both technology suppliers as well as care providers are increasingly relying on the solutions enabled by ihe. didi davis the sequoia project, testing programs director involved with ihe for 15 years i am currently involved with ihe international in the following two roles: ihe international board member (2008 - present), ihe qrph planning committee co-chair (2010 - 2014). i was previously involved with ihe international in the following roles: radiology planning and technical committee member (2001 - 2003), iti planning committee co-chair (2002 - 2006), ihe international strategic development committee (2002 - 2007), ihe international secretariat iti, pcc, pcd, qrph (2006 - 2009). i have been a supporter of standards based interoperability since 1994 as a member of hl7. i was happy to learn about ihe in 2000. ihe continues to help provide interoperability specifications that many countries have adopted into their requirements for health information exchange. ihe helps provide the lego building blocks necessary to achieve interoperability between hit systems and medical devices across the care continuum. philip depalo, scd chief attending consultologist, consultology involved with ihe for 5 years i participate on the ihe patient care coordination committee and moonlight on the iti committee. i am working with himss during their interoperability showcases to bring ihe standards to the forefront of health it. my primary interest is emergency care including 911 and intrafacility patient transport. when i began my doctorate program i was eager to bring health it to the transport medicine world. i was eager to create interoperable healthcare records between facilities during a patient transport. this would reduce repeat tests, decrease repetitive doses of medications, prevent medication errors, enable quicker diagnosis at the receiving facility and provide the transport team with a summarized history of their patient. patients will reap the rewards of shared records through a reduction of common tasks, such as repeatedly filling out health surveys when visiting their physicians or being able to get real time access to their health records. these are benefits patients can realize instantly. while these are direct affects, patients will also benefit from the technology that is supporting them in the background. these benefits are not as obvious to patients, because they are not directly affected by them, but rather their healthcare experience is improved in both quality and efficiency. we need software developers to take a vested interest in the benefits that the ihe provides so that they can realize a common framework that is standardized among vendors improves everyone's experience. people go to a shopping mall because they know they can find their entire shopping experience in one place. stores pay high dollar to lease space in a building full of their competitors because they realize the value in the customers shopping experience. this same concept applies to standardized healthcare technology. tom dolan dir. sw engineering, philips healthcare involved with ihe for 11 years i have a been member of ihe cardiology since 2002, co-author on cath workflow profile. card domain technical committee co-chair since 2009. effective and efficient information sharing is a critical and challenging area of healthcare for patients and practicioners. ihe's mission is to support that as cost-effectively as possible for providers and systems vendors. i'm in ihe so we can share key clinical knowledge on common problems in a common way to allow providers and vendors to spend more of our value-adding energy on hard clinical issues directly affecting patients. laura heermann langford, rn, phd intermountain healthcare involved with ihe for 4 years co-chair of ihe patient care coordination (pcc) planning committee. initiator and contributor to eight or so profiles aimed to further the goal of ehr-enabled clinical research. the widespread adoption of ehrs in healthcare has the potential to assist researchers, quality measurers, and public health agencies. cor loef owner, connect2empower involved with ihe for 15 years i have been involved in ihe since its inception in 1998 when this initiative was concerned merely with interoperability in radiology and imaging, and have continued to support the development of ihe in many other medical fields, serving as co-chairman on the ihe radiology planning committee and contributing to the deployment of ihe in europe and in germany. i am pleased to be an emeritus representative to the ihe international board for the past 4 years to be able to support the advancement of ihe worldwide. ihe took an unparalleled approach in shaping healthcare models and processes by bringing together healthcare professionals, clinicians, it specialists and standards development organizations. the results of their collaborative efforts are practicable frameworks for developing ready-made products and systems that are easier to integrate and deploy. the ihe specifications provide a unique foundation for medical technology vendors to design products and assemble solutions best-suited for reutilization given the multitude and diversity of clinical it settings. healthcare delivery organizations benefit from a suite of harmonized tools and applications to optimize their tasks, to efficiently manage and share healthcare records and to increase the quality of patient care services. frédéric laurent marseille public university hospital system involved with ihe for 6 years i am a co-chair for users in ihe france. moreover i am the chair of the french group ihe iti (especially on the pam profiles). i am involved in most ihe discussions in france and co-represent ihe in the national association called interop’santé. i am working in a very large hospital (3500 beds) and i am in charge of all the data exchanges between applications. thus, ihe profiles are a day-to-day need. by standardizing these exchanges with ihe profiles, solution providers have an open and clean way to resolve integration issues. this leverages deliveries of software and makes health information more available for the physicians. interoperability of systems and ihe must be a strong concern for everyone in the healthcare area. steve merritt manager, imaging and clinical systems, baystate health involved with ihe approximately 8 years my primary role is to help maintain a roadmap for interoperability profiles of patient care devices. i also assist in the marketing efforts of ihe-pcd and recruiting new vendors and users into the ihe process. ihe has become a great platform for providing practical solutions to real problems in healthcare. the ihe community is a diverse gathering of people from all backgrounds, nations and professions, making it a great place to work jointly towards our common goal: better healthcare through better interoperability. as a vendor, being part of this community helps you build better solutions, extends your network and is a means to contribute in a pre-competitive spirit. michael nusbaum, basc, mhsa, fhimss president, mh nusbaum & associates ltd, victoria bc canada involved with ihe for over 15 years member of the ihe international board current co-chair of the global deplooyment coordination committee, current ihe liaison officer with iso/tc215 and the joint initiative council former co-chair of it infrastructure planning committee former president of ihe canada i am involved in ihe because: ihe provides a unique forum which brings together healthcare professionals with industry leaders to jointly address interoperability issues. ihe artifacts are internationally founded and locally adopted, ensuring an optimum balance of both effectiveness and pragmatism. ihe testing and demonstration events are positive contributors to the successful development and use of interoperability specifications. ihe offers a well-founded and internationally-accepted conformity assessment program. gila pyke lead consultant/president, cognaissance involved with ihe for 10 years i have been cheerfully involved in ihe iti since being "voluntold" into leading the development of the digital signatures supplement in 2004. since then, i have had the opportunity to work with some of the best brains in the industry supporting the development of various privacy and security, and document sharing profiles and whitepapers and am cheerfully taking my turn as co-chair starting in 2013. i've also been lucky enough to be involved in deployments of ihe profiles in canada, the us, france and saudi arabia, and am thrilled to see all of our hard work making a difference to patients across the world. when working in risk management and adverse event reporting, we often found that information errors were a key factor in preventable adverse events. health it is an exceptional way to reduce such unfortunate incidents, but it must be developed and deployed in an implementable manner in order to succeed in reducing harm. organizations like hl7, dicom, and numerous others have developed extensive standards to help establish information interoperability, but they lack a critical piece to facilitate the deployment of these standards in order to address key use cases. ihe's use case focus is what continues to inspire me with the way it simplifies the deployment process for large and small healthcare providers alike. the thing i love most about ihe is how open and easy it is to participate. anyone and everyone is welcome to jump in, propose use cases for us to solve, attend meetings in person or by phone, provide comments or submit change proposals or strengthen our work in any way. all contributions are valued and encouraged, and that kind of environment leads to incredible results. derek ritz principal consultant, ecgroup inc. involved with ihe for 5 years i am a member of the iti technical committee and was a co-author of the care services discovery (csd) profile. i am involved as a community member and leader in the openhie initiative (www.ohie.org); openhie is an open source, standards-based ehealth infrastructure focused on the health needs in developing countries. i am a lurker on the pcc and qrph committees. i am an advisor to ministries of health in a number of developing countries regarding what standards stack they should consider to underpin their national ehealth infrastructure. in my view, the collection of ihe profiles provide these countries with a pragmatic option that includes a ready mechanism for supporting conformance-testing of vendor solutions. on a personal note, i feel my involvement in ihe helps gives voice to the needs of these low-resource constituencies and puts them "on the radar" as potential consumers of ihe specifications and of conformant vendor products. antje schroeder manager healthcare interoperability standards, siemens involved with ihe for 5 years as a member of the radiology and cardiology technical committees i support the development of new profiles in these clincial domains. high-quality patient care and optimal clinical workflow require efficient access to all relevant data across all areas of care. exchange of information between various health it systems in a multi-vendor environment is essential to achieve this goal. despite of existing standards, connecting systems from multiple vendors is still a real challenge, which ihe addresses through a common framework for building effective solutions to overcome interoperability problems. tone southerland standards and interoperability architect, ready computing involved with ihe for 7 years current pcc planning co-chair, past pcc technical co-chair, author of and contributor to several pcc profiles. i am involved in ihe because: it provides an opportunity to truly improve healthcare on an international scale by bringing together the right people, to solve the right problems in an open setting. healthcare is something that all of us are affected by at some point in our lives and being involved in ihe provides an opportunity to improve healthcare not only during our own lifetime, but for future generations as well. the environment that ihe provides wherein interoperability can be developed, tested, and changed, and done so based on participation from real-world systems is the only way to effectively move past many of the challenges we face in healthcare it today. the feedback loop that ihe provides is key to its continuing success, providing the link between standards based profiling and real world solutions that ultimately improve patient care. michael tan product manager, nictiz involved with ihe since 2012 i got involved in ihe pharmacy because nictiz, as standardization organization is sponsor of this group. i joined the pharmacy group to bridge the gap between hl7 and ihe. hl7 pharmacy is very much message oriented while ihe pharmacy is document based. one of the products we delivered is a document about medication management concepts, which is also being submitted to iso wg 6 as a technical report. i am currently serving my second term as use co-chair for pharmacy. one of the events i organize each year is a joint meeting between iso tc215 wg6, hl7 pharmacy and ihe pharmacy. the purpose of this meeting is to align the work of these 3 sdo's. i am involved with ihe because: i have worked in logistics before and if i compare that sector to healthcare i see that there is still very much to win in concepts and efficiency in data handling. institutions are often islands of data, but healthcare can no longer afford to work that way. standardization is necessary for this purpose and that is why i work with sdo's like hl7, iso and ihe. nikolaus (niki) wirsz, phd program manager healthcare it standards & interoperability, siemens involved with ihe for 15 years i have been involved in ihe since its inception in 1998 when this initiative was concerned merely with interoperability in radiology and imaging, and have continued to support the development of ihe in many other medical fields, serving as co-chairman on the ihe radiology planning committee and contributing to the deployment of ihe in europe and in germany. i am pleased to be an emeritus representative to the ihe international board for the past 4 years to be able to support the advancement of ihe worldwide. ihe took an unparalleled approach in shaping healthcare models and processes by bringing together healthcare professionals, clinicians, it specialists and standards development organizations. the results of their collaborative efforts are practicable frameworks for developing ready-made products and systems that are easier to integrate and deploy. the ihe specifications provide a unique foundation for medical technology vendors to design products and assemble solutions best-suited for reutilization given the multitude and diversity of clinical it settings. healthcare delivery organizations benefit from a suite of harmonized tools and applications to optimize their tasks, to efficiently manage and share healthcare records and to increase the quality of patient care services. linda wedemeyer, md veterans health administration involved with ihe for 10 years i have been involved in ihe eye care planning and technical committees since their inception, and i am currently co-chair of our planning committee. i am involved in ihe because i see it as a contribution to quality of medicare care in every domain. i see it as an important piece of a system that will ultimately enable decision support, performance improvement, and research. harm-jan wessels ceo, forcare involved with ihe since 1998 i started using ihe right from the start in 1998, supporting the first profiles developed for radiology. in 2006, i became vendor-chair for ihe netherlands (until 2010), building a successful ihe deployment committee. in parallel, i extended my engagement in ihe europe and the ihe international board where i am presently active. ihe has become a great platform for providing practical solutions to real problems in healthcare. the ihe community is a diverse gathering of people from all backgrounds, nations and professions, making it a great place to work jointly towards our common goal: better healthcare through better interoperability. as a vendor, being part of this community helps you build better solutions, extends your network and is a means to contribute in a pre-competitive spirit. karen witting technical project manager, ready computing, inc. involved with ihe for 10 years iti domain author: primary author of xca, xcpd, on-demand documents, and many other significant works related to document sharing. eight years as member of the ihe international board. ihe uniquely provides the ability to address real world healthcare interoperability problems with every technical tool available. typical standards organizations have restricted ability to address problems, either because of a restricted scope or a requirement to create general use standards. ihe deals with all aspects of healthcare interoperability but focuses on one problem at a time, resulting in something that can be used much more easily in real world situations. new book! "underlying standards that support population health improvement" is a new book highlighting success stories and challenges to implementing health it standards. jointly written by ihe members, himss, laura bright and johanna goderrs. events » loading<!--removed due to permission prob 2/8/16 src=_p7tpskthl8v8a5o1k3h0jn4pjc@group.calendar.google.com&color=%23ab8b00&src=_9g5024131s00jln0hisdkjroq0@group.calendar.google.com&color=%23a32929& --> calendar contact comment terms of use © 2016 ihe international | tel 1-630-481-1004 | 820 jorie boulevard, oak brook, il 60523

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